Uganda Youth Football Associations-UYFA is an umbrella youth football groups/academies in the Country.
UYFA was formed on 31st May,2008 after the Federation of Uganda Youth Football Associations-FUFA putting up a five man constitution draft committee to come up with the youth football guiding document that shall regulate their activities throughout the country.
After the draft was made, all the stake holders were invited by the Federation on to ratify the draft into a constitution and on 31st May, 2008 the youth groups/academies elected their national association executive committee that comprises the following,
1. Mr. Katamba Musoke Eugine - Chairman Tel: +256 752515609
2. Mr. Masiko John Bosco - Vice Chairman-Head Teacher
3. Mr. Ssemugenyi Abdu Sulaiman- Secretary General [Journalist with 104.9 Ssuubi FM and commissioner for Sports, Ministry of Education and sports-Buganda Kingdom Tel: +256 712873756,702483756
4. Mr. Kazibwe Magellan-Treasurer[ Lawyer with Kidhu and Company Advocates] Tel +256772492177.
5. Mr. Mugabi Martin- Marketing Secretary +256-772389666
6. Mr. Rabwoni Elijah-Publicity Secretary-Journalist WITH THE Red Pepper publications ltd ,Tel :0752654548
7. Mr. Kintu Paddy- Technical Secretary
8. Mr. Kayiwa Fred-Assistant Publicity Secretary-+256-78237003 []
The Committee members are regional representatives:
1. Haji Ssemanda Ahmada - Central region
2. Mr. Sande Male -Central region
3. Mr. Rabwoni Elijah -Western region
4. Mr. Gama Henry -Western region
5. Mr. Lia Michael - Northern region
6. Mr. Bineen Ben -Northern region
7. Mr. Wanyama Freddie -Eastern region
8. Mr. Bawutu Umar -Eastern region
Currently UYFA has more than seventy registered football youth groups/academies and we hope to have more as most of them are still putting their profiles and documents to order as required by UYFA and FUFA.
1. Register all youth football groups, Academies, Teams and
Schools of Excellences throughout the country.
2. Identify grass root talents from villages and urban communities
. UYFA organize youth football activities right from village, regional and national level respectively.
3. Promotion of identified talents and involve vulnerable and poor children in all sports activities especially football/soccer
4. HIV/AIDS awareness through seminars and workshops especially during school holidays and other designated periods
5. Cultural integration by participating in cultural galas and festivals especially the groups/academies that practice other sports disciplines.
6. Promotion of children’s education through school bursaries for needy and disadvantaged.
7. Supervise, control and guide all youth football groups in their respective football activities.
8. Promotion of environmental protection
i] Supremacy: The youth constitution is the supreme law of the Association and shall be binding on all bodies, organs academies, regulations, standing orders and instruments of the association.
ii] To draw up regulation, provisions and enforce them
iii]To organize, host competitions for all youth football category groups in conjunction with the Federation of Uganda Football Associations-FUFA for their smooth running and organization.
iv]To protect the interest of all youth football groups.
v] Control and supervise the organized football matches at all levels.
vi] Control and prevent all forms of practices which may lead to havoc and abuse of the association and the Federation.
Vii] Carry out public Health awareness by organizing health workshops and seminars during especially during the school holidays.
Viii] Work hand in hand with parents and schools in facilitating children to learn [by getting school bursaries].
ix] Create the environment of togetherness, friendship, forgiveness, solidarity , fair play and cooperation in all activities in the association’s leadership and the youth in general.
x] Organise coaching, referees and administration courses for youth football development.
Motives of the Association.
UYFA is primarily and strategically guided by two major motives and these include,
1. Social responsibility
2. Community attachment/partnership.
1. Socially:
1. Talent identification, promotion and development.
2. Create mutual understanding between all the youth football groups/academies throughout the country by forming up soccer leagues and competitions.
3. Create public awareness of human rights and civic responsibilities through seminars, workshops and conferences plus publications.
4. Keep the children/players busy during school holidays in order to avoid children to learn bad manners and being in bad groups when they are not with their parents/guardians.
5. Reduce drug addicts especially talented street boys and girls
To be productive and future good citizens.
6. Remove talented children from street to productive and active football environment to have future responsible citizens.
7. Offer school bursaries to them through contacting friendly schools and institutions to talented claver players.
2. Community partnership:
1. Talent promotion and development by identifying, grooming, involvement of the community in all UYFA activities to be part of it hence attracting partnership.
2. Commercial advertising to generate revenue for the association and groups/academies through advertising the would-be partners’ products and services on youth groups’/Academies’ uniforms/materials, events and competitions for sustainability.
Socially, UYFA has managed to help football groups/academies registered with the Federation of Uganda Football Association under it and now are known.
Through UYFA football youth groups/academies have been helped to secure school bursaries for some of their respective needy and disadvantaged players from various schools and institutions.
We have achieved through the following ways:
1. Organise national under 15 and 17 youth football leagues from regional football tournaments and competitions that attracts more than seventy participating groups/academies and one visiting youth team from Kenya by the name of PAKO youth football club that participates in the national championship held every 17th to 18th December every year.
Only four Academies/youth groups from each region qualify for the national championship and totals to 16 teams that converge in one region/school for two days to determine the national league winner
2. Organise U10, U-13 & U-15 holiday soccer tournaments from 27th December to -8th January every year that are held in different regions supervised by Uganda Youth Football Association- UYFA.
3. Several players through UYFA activities have graduated to second, first and Uganda Super League organized football activities hence to national levels.
4. Some players have joined both national and international professional ranks after being identified from UYFA activities.
5. Schools and Institutions have offered educational bursaries to both poor and vulnerable talented players.
6. Since October 2008 Uganda Youth Football Association and Academy for Sports Excellency- APIRE of Qatar conducts joint talent identification throughout the country where the European scouts identify good talents from UYFA/ASPIRE designated centres and later taken to Nairobi Kenya for the East African talent trials/scouting and the best of the best are taken to
Aspire Academy in Qatar and its other world wide centres in Senegal, Cameroon, Guatemala, France and Spain for more training.
7. Also youth groups/academy coaches benefit by attending the
Aspire coaching courses and training from Nairobi Kenya every year when the East African trials are conducted.
8. In October 2008 Generations for Peace organization under King Hussein of Jordan invited Ugandan youth football coaches for training in peace promotion using sports that attracted several international professional footballers world wide.
9. UNICEF has patterned with some youth football groups by sponsoring their activities like Kampala Kids League-KKL and Kampala Junior Team-KJT have benefited from its sponsorship to international youth tournaments in Norway and Denmark respectively.
10. Uganda Youth Football Association is a member of Global Peace games for children and the youth of the United Nations that is fully engaged in promoting peace and conflict solving through different games which is celebrated at 21st September every year. Currently Ssemugenyi Abdu Sulaiman the UYFA Secretary General is the country Director of this initiative.
1. Lack of fund: Currently Uganda Youth Football Association-UYFA depends on youth groups/academy membership registration.
2. Lack of Equipment: Most of the youth groups are very poor and do not have funds to purchase usable equipment that hinders proper talent promotion in their respective localities.
3. Capacity Building: UYFA lack funds to organize zonal, regional and national couching courses to its stake holders to have better skilled coaches that can handle the players according to their respective age group.
4. Lack of transport facility: Due to lack of transport facility, UYFA cannot supervise properly its regional activities and other related football programmes.
5. National Youth League: The national Youth League is not fully sponsored and it depends on meager resources from participation fee which is not enough to run it to its best.
Specifically Uganda Youth Football Association needs the following in order to operate effectively.
1. Office –where to operate from , currently UYFA is housed by the Women office at FUFA.
2. Computers, photocopier for day to day office work.
3. Equipment like Balls, Uniforms, Banners, stationery.
4. Youth League Sponsorship from different companies and organizations both local and International such that players could be exposed to international football competions.
UYFA is seeking for partners from individuals, Government, Corporate companies and Non Governmental Organizations so as to make this cause a reality.
Benefits of sponsorship of the youth league:
1. Advertising company’s name on the youth football groups/academy uniforms.
2. Advertising on tournament balls [customized balls].
3. Advertising company services and products on the banners
4. Advertise through other donations like T-shirts for players
5. Mentions on Radio and Television sports programmes during the league course hence getting mileage.
6. Attracting co-sponsors who will get interested in the children’s/grass root football promotion and development.
7. Advertise company services and products using banners at the field of play
Duration of the League:
The league is conducted throughout the year and mainly during the school holidays to allow many children/players participate in the same activities hence benefiting both the sponsor and organizers and the nation in general.
The sponsorship can be renewed accordingly on annual or five year basis.
Commencement of the league:
UYFA’s youth league begins by the School first Term holidays in case the league sponsorship is secured and to run up to the end of third term school holidays every year.
We call up on all the Companies, individuals, well wishers in developing grass root football to come out strongly in supporting and sponsoring the youth league as per age category that is U13, U15 and U17 years old.
Through this arrangement, more untapped and forgotten players will be exposed to the second, first and Super Division leagues and International leagues respectively.
Uganda Youth Football Association-UYFA has embarked on its 2nd U15 National youth league with regional qualifiers in Northern, Eastern, Central and Western regions respectively.Each region shall be represented by on TWO qualified Academy and the Five Kampala Divisions shall also be represnted by TWO qualified Academies to the National championship that shall be held from 17th and 18th December 2010 at Old Kampala Secondary School grounds.
Secondary, UYFA and its partner Reach Out for Hope based in Seattle USA have a soccer clinic that shall be in Kasana Luwero from 22nd January 2011 and this is when they will hand over the equipment they have collected from the United States Schools for Ugandan registered Soccer Academies and school at the function a representative from the ministry of Education and Sports and Federation of Uganda Football Associations-FUFA Limitedrespectively shall receive the equipment and hand them over to UYFA.
Also Buganda Youth Football Associations-BUYOFA and the registered Academies shall have an U17 Kampala-Wakiso youth league named after the reknown sports man the late Canon Rev. Polycarp Kakooza Kibuuka. This tournament is under the Department of sports ministry of Education and Sports Buganda Kingdom.
It was started by Ssemugenyi Abdu Sulaiman and the Family of the late Kakooza in 2008 that attracted 15 teams and it was won by Equatoria Academy Kawempe but 2009 it was not organised due to lack of sponsorship.
BUYOFA and the ministry of Education Buganda Kingdom appreciated the Managing Director Quality Chemical LTD Katwe who sponsored it at its inception and the league was held in Lubiri Mengo for two months.
UYFA and BUYOFA appeals to individuals and companies to kindly come out and sponsor this tournaments for talent identification,promotion and Development to have future good responsible citizens and national teamUganda Youth Football Association-UYFA has embarked on its 2nd U15 National youth league with regional qualifiers in Northern, Eastern, Central and Western regions respectively.Each region shall be represented by on TWO qualified Academy and the Five Kampala Divisions shall also be represnted by TWO qualified Academies to the National championship that shall be held from 17th and 18th December 2010 at Old Kampala Secondary School grounds.
Secondary, UYFA and its partner Reach Out for Hope based in Seattle USA have a soccer clinic that shall be in Kasana Luwero from 22nd January 2011 and this is when they will hand over the equipment they have collected from the United States Schools for Ugandan registered Soccer Academies and school at the function a representative from the ministry of Education and Sports and Federation of Uganda Football Associations-FUFA Limitedrespectively shall receive the equipment and hand them over to UYFA.
Also Buganda Youth Football Associations-BUYOFA and the registered Academies shall have an U17 Kampala-Wakiso youth league named after the reknown sports man the late Canon Rev. Polycarp Kakooza Kibuuka. This tournament is under the Department of sports ministry of Education and Sports Buganda Kingdom.
It was started by Ssemugenyi Abdu Sulaiman and the Family of the late Kakooza in 2008 that attracted 15 teams and it was won by Equatoria Academy Kawempe but 2009 it was not organised due to lack of sponsorship.
BUYOFA and the ministry of Education Buganda Kingdom appreciated the Managing Director Quality Chemical LTD Katwe who sponsored it at its inception and the league was held in Lubiri Mengo for two months.
UYFA and BUYOFA appeals to individuals and companies to kindly come out and sponsor this tournaments for talent identification,promotion and Development to have future good responsible citizens and national teamUganda Youth Football Association-UYFA has embarked on its 2nd U15 National youth league with regional qualifiers in Northern, Eastern, Central and Western regions respectively.Each region shall be represented by on TWO qualified Academy and the Five Kampala Divisions shall also be represnted by TWO qualified Academies to the National championship that shall be held from 17th and 18th December 2010 at Old Kampala Secondary School grounds.
Secondary, UYFA and its partner Reach Out for Hope based in Seattle USA have a soccer clinic that shall be in Kasana Luwero from 22nd January 2011 and this is when they will hand over the equipment they have collected from the United States Schools for Ugandan registered Soccer Academies and school at the function a representative from the ministry of Education and Sports and Federation of Uganda Football Associations-FUFA Limitedrespectively shall receive the equipment and hand them over to UYFA.
Also Buganda Youth Football Associations-BUYOFA and the registered Academies shall have an U17 Kampala-Wakiso youth league named after the reknown sports man the late Canon Rev. Polycarp Kakooza Kibuuka. This tournament is under the Department of sports ministry of Education and Sports Buganda Kingdom.
It was started by Ssemugenyi Abdu Sulaiman and the Family of the late Kakooza in 2008 that attracted 15 teams and it was won by Equatoria Academy Kawempe but 2009 it was not organised due to lack of sponsorship.
BUYOFA and the ministry of Education Buganda Kingdom appreciated the Managing Director Quality Chemical LTD Katwe who sponsored it at its inception and the league was held in Lubiri Mengo for two months.
UYFA and BUYOFA appeals to individuals and companies to kindly come out and sponsor this tournaments for talent identification,promotion and Development to have future good responsible citizens and national team
FUFA & UYFA did not finish the Tournament handlessly but they recieved abaout 140 Balls from Reach Out for Hope from Siato USA
and the Balls were given to all Academies that are registred with UYFA
We Thank this Organisation led by Samuel who grew up In Uganda for Having came down to the grassroot and develope sports through donating Balls
Uganda Youth Football Association-UYFA
FUFA House, Plot 897, Wakaliga Road-Mengo
P.o.Box 3303 Kampala, Fax 256- 414-272702.