Aspire Activities
1. Working relationship with aspire
2. Election of country coordinator and secretary
Members present
1. Mr. Asuman Lubwama - Technical Director FUFA
2. Mr. Ssemugenyi Abdu Sulaiman - Secretary General – UYFA 0712-873756
3. Mr. Origi Anthony Aspire – Football Dreams Nairobi office
4. Mr. Kebba Haruna - Referee - 0712 629974
5. Mr. Ssegirinya Saidi Agakhan Centre Coordinator 0782-554776
6. Mr. Basinde Mawazi – Gayaza Centre Coordinator 0712-472826
7. Mr. Tamale Richard Kiwanuka - Entebbe Centre Coordinator 0772/0751-572826
8. Mr. Sserumaga Peter – Makindye Centre Coordinator 0712-227331
9. Mr. Bulamba Sulaiman – Kawempe/ Kayofa Centre coordinator 0772-443630
10. Kingongo Farouq – Berkeley High School Centre coordinator 0712 -968444
11. Kayondo Ssuuna – Wandegeya Centre coordinator 0771-603326
The meeting was chaired by FUFA Technical Director who welcomed Mr. Origi Anthony the Aspire – football Dreams East African Programme Coordinator/ director to Federation of Uganda Football Associations – FUFA and thanked Aspire for establishing a youth foot ball development programme in Uganda through Uganda Youth Football Association
Mr. Origi Anthony briefed the Technical Director about Aspire as an international sports development academy based in Qatar. In Africa it operates in ten (10) countries that is Senegal, Mali, Naigeria, S. Africa, Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda.
Aspire contracted Bonus sports marketing – BSM Company based in Spain to handle and market its progremmes and activities world wide.
Mr. Joseph Kolmar and Sendro former scouts for Bacelon Football Club and Director of Nike Company respectively came up with a football dreams project in Africa to reach more grass root footballers and talented sportsmen.
Prayers who pass football analysis from these centres get scholarship from Aspire Academy for three years both academic and co-curricular activities.
Aspire in E. Africa has 100 centres and 70 centres are in Kenya. Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda have 10 centres each and each centre recruits 700 boys and as it involves a lot of money, Joseph thought each centre to benefit by getting sports equipment ( 15 balls, 25 Nike T-Shirts, 25 bibs, track suits for centre coordinators etc.)
After this explanation, the Technical Director wanted to know how will the local academies benefit from the whole arrangement as football dreams will be recruiting boys for Aspire Qatar Based Academy and the boys fully owned by Aspire and no transfer fee will be sent back to the local academies in case Aspire sell the boy(s) to any club that interested in his services as per FIFA rules not only Aspire to exploit Ugandan Academies by just giving them track suits which they can afford to have here.
He also stressed to have a memorandum of understanding between Aspire – football dreams, Uganda Youth Football Association guided by Federation of Uganda Football Associations and fully supervise it than Academies getting balls and truck suits.
Mr. Anthony requested the Federation to suggest some proposals as regards this programme such that could be sent to Aspire for their input.
The Technical Director requested Aspire/football dreams to submit to FUFA a written document outlining all the activities, benefits to the local academies not to be exploited by Aspire Academy. He also stressed to have a memorandum of understanding to be done between the concerned parties. And he requested for a report concerning the ten Uganda centres and qualifications, experience of the people handling the centres.
Suggestions from members
1. Mr. Sseggirinya Saidi – Aghakan Centre coordinator wanted football dreams and Aspire to facilitate Centre Coordinators during the mobilization process before actual analysis period.
2. Mr. Ssemugenyi Abdu Sulaiman – UYFA Secretary General requested Aspire to consider sensitization workshops for members before the real centre activities are carried out.
Mr. Anthony assured centre coordinators that he will present all the suggestions to Aspire for consideration.
Mr. Anthony informed centre coordinators that the elimination programme starts on 1st – 3rd August, 2009 and the Aspire scouts will arrive the country from 3rd – 5th August, 2009.
In conclusion, the Technical Director informed Mr. Anthony that UYFA will be hosting the Aspire activities in the country on behalf of FUFA and FUFA will fully endorse its programmes. He reminded him the FUFA, UYFA and Aspire will sign an official communication and a memorandum of understanding that will fully guide stakeholders according to Uganda’s needs.
He finally thanked Aspire for taking the advise from UYFA and FUFA that has made all possible to forge a way forward to have the Aspire programmes resumed.
Mr. Anthony through the Federation thanked the UYFA Secretary General for making sure that the Aspire programmes go ahead as were programmed last year whereby Aspire had lost contact with Kibirango Moses and the link with Uganda in general had almost broken down.
Mr. Anthony Extra meeting with centre coordinators
Mr. Anthony had an extra 10 minutes minute meeting with the centre coordinators to re-affirm Aspire commitment and assured them of good future working relationship with all through UYFA and the Federation.
He thanked members who went to Nairobi for the four days for Aspire coaching course and promised to bring their course certificates during the August programme.
More so thanked them for exhibiting nice discipline during their stay in Nairobi.
Unfortunately he reported that Mr. Kibirango Moses misbehaved in Qatar by trying to incite other Country coordinators who convened in Qatar that they should ask for more equipment which the coordinators reported and the Aspire Directors was not happy and terminated his relationship with Kibirango.
On behalf of UYFA the Secretary General apologized for the embarrassment caused by its member.
Before Mr. Anthony left the conference hall Mr. Ssemugenyi requested him that he should conduct an election for the Aspire country coordinator before returning to Nairobi and Mr. Anthony requested Mr. Ssemugenyi to conduct each on his behalf as he was preparing to visit the respective centres the next day starting with Jinja very early in the morning.
Centre coordinators in house meeting
The centre coordinators requested the Secretary General to conduct this election such that the country coordinator is in place.
Mr. Ssemugenyi requested members that the Aspire country coordinator should be having a secretary to document all the entire Aspire activities in conjunction with the country coordinator and all members agreed the idea and the elections where conducted through a secret ballot.
Two names were proposed for the Country Director namely; Mr. Bulamba Sulaiman and Mr. Tamale Kiwanuka Richard. And Mr. Bulamba Sulaiman got 7 votes out of 9 votes while Mr. Tamale Kiwanuka Richard got 1 vote and only one vote was invalid. So Mr. Bulamba Sulaiman is the Aspire Country Coordinator and Kigongo Farouq has his secretary.
Mr. Bulamba Sulaiman thanked members for the trust put in him and promised to serve them to their expectations and requested to be advised and guided whenever possible to make the project a success. He requested the centre coordinator for exhibiting commitment and hardworking plus respecting each other such that their players gain more from Aspire than Academy leaders looking for self benefit.
The elected Secretary promised to work hard such that Ugandan Academies benefit from Aspire programmes.
Members requested the newly elected coordinator to link up with UYFA and FUFA to see that their Aspire equipment is sent directly from Nike to Uganda.
Finally members through Mr. Kayondo thanked the UYFA secretary General for not being selfish and always update members on whatever takes place and for his concern shown during the Aspire Nairobi coaching course and attended by coaches and players wanting to know each development concerning the members in Nairobi.
Also thanked him for informing the Uganda High Commission in Nairobi about the presence of UYFA members in Kenya plus requesting them to always visit players and academy leaders in their respective centres throughout which they did. More so for making sure that Aspire programme never terminate as the Nairobi group had almost lost link with Uganda.
The UYFA Secretary General requested the Aspire Country Coordinator and his secretary respectively to work hand in hand with all the stake holders such that gain trust from fellow members and players plus players’ parents and guardians and not staining the federation’s and UYFAs image and promised them all the necessary support possible and always update the federation the activities carried out.
Uganda Youth Football Association.