Dear members,
It’s almost two years since Uganda Youth Football Association-UYFA was formed. We have carried out several youth football activities throughout the four zones by organizing Galas and Tournaments in our respective capacities and membership formations.
UYFA in conjunction with Federation of Uganda Youth Football Associations-FUFA is not seated it’s looking for the youth league sponsorship that we have a meaningful busy 2009/10 busy season.
UYFA has been and still registering youth football Academies until the 31st December 2009. This means that after forwarding your Academy/Association and Organisation profile forms, you need to pay the respective registration fee to facilitate the Association execute its/your activities.
UYFA belongs to us all [you and the Executive], it needs your support , cooperation and guidance such that we have a full coordinated data bank of our membership and their respective players profiles for future better planning.
Filling the registration forms alone without fulfilling the requirements, will not make UYFA serve you to your expectation that’s why some us keep on asking what has UYFA done and prepared for you.
International partnership and cooperation.
UYFA has made a partnership with ASPIRE Academy from Doha Qatar whereby last year 2008 it sent it Spanish scout to conduct a three day soccer clinic players talent analysis throughout the Ten designated centres in the Country and the best spotted players went for an East African trial and pick three players to benefit from a three year scholarship in Qatar, for Uganda managed to take Ssekazza Ivan under the same arrangement. Also ten Centre coordinators benefited from a four day coaching training by ASPIRE Technical professionals.
Some of you have benefited from the a consignment of sports equipment including balls, track suits, training bibs, T-shirts, Sports shorts, soccer boots,Canvas, bags, to both players and centre coordinators, administrators and other staff.
UYFA also is linking up with another European Academy to offer the same opportunities to our local respective Academy players to be trained there hence be a get way to the European football professional ranks.
Registration payment process is categorized as follows.
1. Academies/youth groups
2. Associations [Existed before the formation of UYFA] 50,000/= Subscription 30,000/=
3. Organisations[CBOs/NGOs and Companies] that deals in youth football are required to
Pay 100,000/= , Subscription 50,000/=
For example, Friends of Football, Kampala/The Kids League, Soccer and any others that are in this category.
4. International related Associations/Organisations or that have a foreign attachment pays
US$100 and Subscription US$50.
For example these include, the Right to play, Church Organisations, Sudan Youth Association and others in that order.
This registration is subject to change with the market forces and all payments are made to UYFA Bank Account No.1033100333204 in Equity Bank Uganda Limited any branch nearest to and bring the bank pay in slip to UYFA and get a receipt for your payment.
International Tournaments
A number of youth Academies/youth groups have represented the Country by participating in both regional and International football tournaments. Some after impressing these International organizers, have made them their official representatives in Uganda and the case in point is Kampala Junior Team representing Norway Cup.
2009, Uganda Junior League, Kampala Junior Team, Edgars Youth Programme, Uganda Youth Soccer Academy represented Uganda in South Africa, Norway, Manchester, Belgium, Wales, Denmark, Sweden, Rwanda and Kenya respectively.
UYFA appreciates individuals, Corporates, Organisations that have facilited and enabled these Academies participate in these tournaments.
Youth Coaching Courses.
In July this year 2009, Uganda Youth Football Association-UYFA in conjunction with the Federation of Uganda Football Associations-FUFA organized a week long basic Academy coaching course for 18 Academy coaches and managers who have now the basics to handle the children from their respective age categories.
The Ministry of Education and Sports in conjunction with the Honorary Council of Brazil in Uganda, have also organized the same youth coaching course for the University and other Tertiary Institutions and other few Academy leaders in Uganda fully embraced by the Federation of Uganda Football Associations-FUFA.
UYFA Membership to Federation of Uganda Football Associations-FUFA
During the recently concluded FUFA General Assembly held in Mukono on 15th August 2009, UYFA was given a temporary licence and will fully be admitted to FUFA in the next General Assembly, this means FUFA recognizing UYFA and its activities.
Football for Purpose.
UYFA has introduced a scheme called Football for Purpose whereby we shall have designated 3 days in a year to participate in Community Cleanliness participation especially in slum areas in urban centres and schools in rural areas.
Football for Life
This involves health awareness programmes especially during school holidays when they are all back home. This initiative will involve the participation of NGOs, CBOs and any other health practitioners counsel the children from 13 years and above in areas of HIV/AIDS and Drug abuse.
This programme will include environment Conservation by planting trees in conjunction with Environmental Protection concerns to fight the desert to have sufficient food for our livelihood.
For God and my Country